LOVE STORY ...Dilip Kumar and Madhubala


Madhubala ( मधुबाला), was born to a conservative Muslim family named as Mumtaz Jahan Begum in New Delhi, India on 14 February 1933. After Madhubala's father, Ataullah Khan, lost his job at the Imperial Tobacco Company in Peshawar (Pakistan), he relocated his family to Delhi and then Mumbai where they faced many hardships including the deaths of her two brothers at ages five and six. Young Mumtaz entered the movie industry at the age of nine in order to provide help for her family. She starred in several successful movies in the 1950s and early 1960s, many of which have attained a classic status. It was Devika Rani, founder of Bombay Talkies who gave her the title Madhubala, meaning "a girl of honey".

Her first lead role, at 14-years-old, was with producer Kidar Sharma when he cast her opposite Raj Kapoor in Neel Kamal (1947). This was the last film in which she was credited as Mumtaz before assuming her screen name 'Madhubala'. She achieved stardom and popularity in 1949 when she was cast as the lead in Bombay Talkies studio's Mahal – a role intended for well-known star Suraiya. Madhubala, with established actresses, screen-tested for the role before she was selected by the film's director Kamal Amrohi. The film was the third largest hit at the 1949 Indian box office. Following the success of Mahal, Madhubala appeared in the box office hits Dulari (1949), Beqasoor (1950), Tarana (1951) and Badal (1951).

Her discipline for work was unparalleled - she was always the first one to turn up at the studio and would leave sharp at 6 pm. Punctuality, commitment to work and professionalism were her hallmarks.

Her self control was amazing. Her world began and ended in a film studio. She never attended any parties, film premier's of functions, film festivals, picnics or races for fund-raising initiatives.

She had no fascination for jewellery - neither on-screen nor off-screen. She hardly wore any because she considered it a waste of money.

She was extremely generous though. When she had established herself as an actress, she would always carry about Rs 2,000-3,000 rupees with her, never hesitating to loan / donate it someone who asked for help.

Despite acting in 66 films, she never received an award. It is widely believed that her distracting good looks did her a disservice - names like Meena Kumari, Nargis, Waheeda Rahman was considered more of actress material. Did “the Venus of the Indian screen” find her acting prowess overshadowed by her drop-dead gorgeous looks?

 The love affair of Madhubala and Dilip Kumar was of melodramatic proportions with many ups and downs. It was like a Bollywood script for a romantic movie. Like Madhubala's family, Dilip Kumar was also a Pathan. Her love affair with Dilip Kumar started when she was only 17 years old. Her father Attaullah Khan stood between her and Dilip Kumar. Khan started to worry that if Madhubala got married to Dilip Kumar, he would lose the financial cushion that Madhubala offered to Khan's entire family as she was the sole breadwinner for them. The elder Khan was against any relationship between Dilip Kumar and Madhubala as she had just started to earn huge amounts of money for her film roles. Both Dilip Kumar and Madhubala had to take extreme care to keep their rendezvous hidden from the watchful eyes of Attaullah Khan. But Dilip Kumar would not take it anymore. He felt it was a huge imposition. Because of these differences between Dilip Kumar and Attaullah Khan, the love affair was doomed to fail.

Part of interview of Madhur Bhushan, younger sister of Madhubala (real name Zahida) on Madhubala Dilip Kumar Love affair:The reason Madhubala broke up with Dilip Kumar was B R Chopra’s film Naya Daur, not my Father. Madhubala had shot a part of the film when the makers decided to go for an outdoor shoot to Gwalior. The place was known for dacoits, so my father asked them to change the location. They disagreed because they wanted a hilly terrain. So my father asked her to quit the film. He was ready to pay the deficit.

Chopra asked Dilip Kumar for help. Dilipsaab and Madhubala were engaged then. Dilipsaab tried to mediate but Madhubala refused to disobey her father.

Chopra’s production filed a case against her, which went on for a year. But this did not spoil their relationship.Dilip saab told her to forget movies and get married to him. She said she would marry him, provided he apologised to her father. He refused, so Madhubala left him. That one ‘sorry’ could have changed her life. She loved Dilipsaab till the day she died.

Since Madhubala died at the tender age of 36, his fans never never saw her grow old. In my mind, she will always remains a sylph-like image. Madhubala became a legend after her death.

Madhubala never found true love during her lifetime. Partly it was due to her father's obsession of not allowing her to mingle with anybody. He kept a constant vigil on her movements day in and day out. He followed her right from his home to the studio and back. For much of her lifetime, Madhubala used to keep a diary where she maintained a daily record of the events in her life. This diary also had an account of her romantic involvements with different film personalities of that time. I can visualize her that lonely woman, her long curly hair, framing her heartbreakingly beautiful face, bent over her diary. This diary could have unfolded many of Madhubala's secrets, especially about her love life. But unfortunately her father decided to bury her diary along with her in her grave.

Frank Capra was willing to give her a break in Hollywood. She refused.

She had a heart disease - ventricular septal defect, right from the birth. Her father hid this fact from film producers. However, her heart ailment got aggravated in the early 1960s and Madhubala had to abandon her film career prematurely. She even went to England for treatment. But doctors in England could not perform surgery as her ailment was in an advanced stage and she had to return to India without any treatment. She stopped acting when she was 27 to sever illness. She died at the age 36 on 23rd Feb, 1969 , the same age at which her Hollywood counterpart, Marilyn Monroe passed away.

comments from my friends on Youtube

What to say! Only Superb!!  This piece left me speechless. Writing an entirely imaginary story with fictitious persons is easy job. But here the two REAL guys who are loved by millions like us (and have not gone the way it is depicted here), are presented with already available random footage syncing not only the body-lip movements but with storms in their hearts too and again in the melodies sung by the similar real gems! My friend I can not resist but to salute you. May God Bless You.
It gives me immense pleasure that you work hard to compiled the true story of LOVE BETWEEN MADUBALA AND DILP KUMAR.I am tru fan of dilp kumar and madubala and their love is eternal. your hard-work and creation touches the heart and iplace you as number one and STORY SOMETIMES COMES SIMILAR BUT LOSS OF LOVE HAS SEEMS SIMILAR INCIDENCES AMONG PEOPLE.I especially congratulate you of your hard work and the most beautiful choice TAHIR SALEEM BERABAT SHAHYER ABBOTTABA/MIRPUR A.J.K KNOWN AS KHAN SAB/KHAN SALEEM(66 YEARS OF AGGE)


  1. I am a diehard fan of Dilip Kumar yet I have nourish grudge against him when it comes to his heart breaking jilting of bewitching Madhubala a person with intellectual property SHOULD be magnanimous and not mìserly in Romance. MADHUBALA was undone by Ataullah and Dilip Kumar.

  2. Though their Love remained UNREQUITED yet it is ETERNAL and IMMORTAL. THEY WERE MADE FOR EACH OTHER.

  3. Though their Love remained UNREQUITED yet it is ETERNAL and IMMORTAL. THEY WERE MADE FOR EACH OTHER.


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